
Day 1 - Shanghai

So, I arrived. To great fanfare. OK. 14 hours after I left Chicago, I
was now a visitor to China. As Americans we are taught by our media that
China is an oppressive government that restricts everything -- well - they
let me in. My passport was stamped, declared nothing at customs and headed
through to catch my first taxi. I think I said 4 words to the airport
officials. Not that I was being unfriendly, they just had a big plastic
barrier between us.

The taxi ride was quite extended to the hotel (Holiday Inn downtown). In
America, it would have been about $100-125 - Shanghai: roughly $30. Got
checked in, showered, set up - headed out for a walk to maybe get some food.
Let me say: I am woefully unprepared for this. I speak Chinese poorly.
Even worse - I read even more poorly. Food was difficult, so I wimped out
and got hotel food for the first night. Too much stress.

Most people don't know this, but I am extremely fearful of new places and
doing new things. I know many of my friends reading this are not believing
this statement at all -- but I am. For example, it took me 2 weeks of
waking up early, getting ready -- to get up the nerve to go to the new
workout facility (Ritchie Center at DU). I know this is kind of weird, but
whatever - it is me! Anyways, I've taken great steps to overcome these
fears in the past - and this is another step in overcoming this fear.
Wow. This hurts. I'm thrown into a mix where basically NO ONE knows
English and I know very little Chinese. I've tried using my Chinese, but I
feel embarrassed by my lack of linguistic skill. I know. I know. Practice
makes perfect, but I feel so insecure with my language skills.

The only things I don't like so far are the 14 hour flight and the lack of
decent beer.

Until next time.


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