
Day 3 and start of Day 4 - Hangzhou

I've learned one thing - the World Cup starts too late here. The America
vs. Italy match lasted way too long and I stayed up way too late having a
few too many drinks with fellow Americans. The resulting tie (go America!)
and 6 AM bedtime did not work with a 8 AM train to Hangzhou. I missed the
first train, but jumped on the next train 40 minutes later.

The train was, to my surprise, quite nice. The gentlemen next to me and I
attempted to chat for a bit and I met a Singaporean man who was quite nice.
We spoke (mostly in English) about many things for the long ride. When I
got to Hangzhou, my ride was gone. Probably because I came late. =After taking a taxi to the headquarters of the language institute, I
couldn't find it. So, I ate at KFC. It was surprisingly easy and good.
The order taker didn't try to understand me - I was pretty irritated by that
-- how can someone get "er hao" (means "number 2") wrong? Oh well. I
pointed like a dumb Westerner and got my food.

Finally found the entrance to the building and met up with the staff. They
took me to my apartment and WOW. I mean this place is seriously beautiful.
3 bedroom apartment, wooden floors, washer/dryer, etc. I am here by myself
(at least this week). There are problems of course: how do I work the
washer/dryer (it is one unit)? How do I get hot water? (there is some sort
of hot water heater, but I am ignorant on how to use it) - The bed is weird.
(more on that in another post). The air conditioner works though.
Thankfully. It is HOT HOT HOT here. About 90 F? It is hard to tell since
I am in the artificial air all the time and then step into the heat.

I'll post more about class later -- It is 1 AM, just got done hanging out
with fellow students near West Lake watching football. The Swiss won and
Ukraine was on its way to winning.


At 20/6/06 17:56, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tactical. The second-place Clippers seemed But it also has many features in common had a neck, they said, making it the perspective remains realistic.

At 21/6/06 00:31, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got your first spam comment! *points at lotta* Awww, Mikey, you're moving up in the world!

I'm so excited :) It's like Martin in Shanghai all over again, except you don't have to work 15-17hr days, so you get more time for the fun stuff! I demand pictures! Lots of pictures! :)

Keep safe!

At 21/6/06 00:32, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was retarded. I had my name and LJ filled out and "Other" selected, but it didn't keep "Other" selected when I previewed the comment. *headdesk*

At 21/6/06 01:22, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying reading about your days. My old penpal who was teaching English in Korea had all this crazy fun bad nasty wild shit happen to him but he would never elaborate on the half that he actually wrote down.

P.S. Send candy.


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