
Second to last day studying Chinese - Shanghai + Chengdu + Tibet + Chicago

So, my time has almost come to an end in China. I have been quite busy
lately. Let's start:

Shanghai last weekend. I have some photos, but I had a horrific weekend,
yet entertaining. Bob told me once that you can have bad China days and
good China days. On good China days, anything is possible. I headed out to
the bus station around 11 AM, chatted with the taxi driver and got my
tickets. After the two hour trip and researching some places in Shanghai, I
got off the bus and headed out to get lunch. After finding my way through
the subway system, I got off at my stop and went to a place called the
"Kommune". I had an expensive lunch, but it tasted so good. Ciabatta with
chicken, cheese, and sundried tomatoes. Good stuff. Afterwards, I headed
out to my hostel: the Captain's Hostel -- I had a bad feeling about it. I
was right. My passport was with the Chinese government and I had a
receipt. Well, the Captain's Hostel said it was the wrong receipt and that
nowhere in town would accept it. So, I was homeless.

At that point, I decided to take some pictures and catch the last ride out
of town. I headed down to the tourist hell called "The Bund". It was
nice, except there were too many tourists. Like way too many. I was fed
up and had some food -- got stuff I didn't order and got overcharged. After
fighting for a bit, I got it reduced, but still too much. *shrug*
whatever. I was really fed up by that time. I got myself a taxi back to
the bus station and took the last bus home. So, no staying overnight, not
much of anything. I'll be back though (more on that later).

I really like Hangzhou and China, in general. A lot of good things and some
bad, but overall, a good time.

This week has been less taxing than normal. I didn't go to morning class
once. I've been working on my spoken language quite heavily. I feel more
and more confident by the day. As I realized a few weeks ago, I need to
take a break from learning and let the stuff I've learned sink in. Wow. I
would never have believed this 15 years ago - I can speak Chinese.

Tomorrow night my classmates and I are going out for a going away party and
then Saturday, my instructor and I are going shopping one last time in

Then, my trip:

Sunday, I leave for Chengdu at 3:30 PM. I arrive there about 6 PM. On
Monday morning, I leave for Lhasa and then head out for the whole week in
Lhasa. I return to Hangzhou on Saturday night. After that I will be
staying 2 nights in Hangzhou and 2 nights in Shanghai. Then, Chicago!
Scary -- to be coming home that is.

I hope to have my Shanghai pictures up before I leave. If I don't, then I
apologize. I won't be able to update from Lhasa, so please check back
around Labor Day.


In honor of last night

Go Russia!.

I wonder if the American government is going to let me bring baijiu back.
This whole terrorism thing is out of hand. Has anyone else noticed that
the only flights being targeted are the British <-> American flights. I
wonder why.

So, I've been trying to figure out what the new regulations are. I've read
the TSA notices and can't seem to figure out if they are stopping China ->
America flights and enforcing the same rules. I wonder when WWIII is
going to really break out -- I think once the current regime decides to
attempt to take out the Iranians -- China will come to their rescue. Then
we will have chaos.

Mmmm.. Chaos is good sometimes.

OK. Enough political rambling, I don't want to get myself into too much
trouble. Instead of talking about it, do something about it -- or so the
thinking goes. With that, I'll go back to doing something about it.

Off for the weekend. Shanghai. I should have a few too many pictures
after that. =)

P.S. Reuters has a good article basically giving away how to make homemade bombs Shouldn't they be considered terrorists too? Nah, just the media hard at work!


Pictures and Videos Oh My!

I promised pictures and a video.....so here they are. Not much else to say right now. I'm physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted from studying so much. I can't seem to focus on my studies. I've gotten to the point of wanting to lie around and watch movies. Maybe it is the summer doldrums? The lack of a lot of social contact like I normally have? I don't know. Yesterday, I couldn't even be bother to go out and find dinner. I stayed in and ate noodles from a cardboard tub. haha As is life.

Oh. I now have direct access to this blog. The magic red firewall in the sky determined that my blog wasn't going to harm anyone..... until they see the following video of MEAT JELLO!!!!

Helga and Martina

Entire set of August 1, 2006 Birthday Dinner for me!


Entire set of August 1, 2006 Birthday After-Dinner Party for me!


Entire Set of August 6, 2006 trip to West Lake


Day much more. I think 50 something: More madness

This week brings about the time where I will become the longest staying
member at the school I attend. 2 more weeks of Chinese lessons! I won't
say I will miss them, but it will be a bit of a downer. Guy and I talked
today and discussed for a second our desire for a break from Chinese. I
love studying -- I really do, but -- it is taxing on the mind. I can barely
function some days. As many of my friends and family know (sorry ladies
and gentlemen!) I haven't called or emailed as much as I usually do, nor
have I posted on my blog as much as I have wanted. I knew I needed a break,
but I slacked on getting my Tibet trip organized, so I changed that to the
last week I am in China. Overall, the experience has been overwhelmingly
positive, but I think next time I will do language courses for only 3 weeks
take a week off and then 3 more weeks.

Speaking of Tibet (西臧), I...ok back up first.

When I came to China, I was told that I needed a visa and that it wouldn't
matter if I got 45 days or whatever. The contact said I could do anything
as long as it is over 31 days. I got 60 days. Come to find out, I need to
get exactly the number of days I will be here. So, I have to get my China
visa extended. After a painful process, I now have my visa in the process
of getting extended.

Next up - to get to Tibet, I need to have a Tibet visitor's visa as well.
The travel agency is taking care of all of this process. The problem arises
that, by the time the visas get extended/completed, I will be leaving for
Tibet. The visas are supposed to arrive back the day before I leave. =)
Hopefully there will be no delays.

OK. Back to Tibet. I am leaving August 20 for Chengdu and will stay the
night. On the morning of August 21, I will leave for Lhasa, Tibet. Over
the next 6 nights, I will be traveling around Tibet with a Chinese-language
speaking tour group and guide. I expect to put my language skills to heavy
use. I don't know the exact locations of our stops, but I expect it to be
fun. There is a major festival in Tibet at that time: The Shoton Festival
( http://www.tibet.cn/english/zt/040818_xdj/200402004818170814.htm) I
won't go into details, so read the link. =) I return to Hangzhou on
August 27 via a night plane. Afterwards, I head to ???? And then I'm
headed to Chicago.

I have a bunch of photos to post online, but it has become difficult to post
them. Plus, the only pics I have to put up are those from my birthday. I
have not sorted through them, yet. =) Somebody took photos with my
camera and it wasn't me. Hahah. =) Once I get all of them organized and
back online properly, I will post them.

A couple of discussions I have been writing, but have not compelted and
probably won't until I return to America: DVDs and copyright protection,
neighborhood change, disparity between rich and poor, small culture
differences, and economic system differences.

I'll write more about my weekend when I get my photos ready.