
This past weekend. Day many

This morning, I got up a bit late. My apologies for not posting as
frequently. I have another post with pictures ready to go. Anything you
want? Any particular picture subjects?

So, this morning - after my shower, I hear fireworks. I finished getting
ready and the fireworks continued. I mean -- full blast "grand finale"
style for 10 minutes straight. I head out to school and the neighboring
building was having its grand opening. The fireworks continued until I
stopped and watched. About 20 minutes of straight firework action. Really
awesome. 8:40 AM on Monday morning.

This weekend I went to the Night Market with Simone, Judith, Guy, and
Tristan. I picked up a watch. I bargained him down a bit and got a decent
one. Pretty funny really.

Saturday, I went with Helga and Martina to the Silk Market and ended up
having a suit made. The total cost was 1060 RMB. I have to go back on
7/31 to get it adjusted. =) can't wait. Not much else this past week.
The other post will tell more.

Until next time


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