
Day 19: This past weekend

This past weekend my classmates and I went to a couple of places.

Friday, we went to the Chinese National Tea Museum.


It was a tourist trap basically. They had some really neat tea-based items and a short walk through, but the shop at the end was quite expensive. It was extremely hot outside so we went home pretty quickly, especially since we all had a big weekend coming up.

Saturday, we headed to Lily's hometown near Qian Dao Hu - 1000 Islands Lake. This was another tourist trap, but it was extremely beautiful. Once you got over the heat, everything was really nice. We ate a lot of spicy foods here. One of the dishes was bone marrow. I wasn't a fan, but some of our group liked it. The hotel was quite nice too. Nothing major, just another hotel. I was surprised at the cost though -- all of 400 Y for all of the meals, bus trips, hotel, everything. Quite nice to spend 50 bucks on a weekend.

Qian Dao Hu/></a><br /><br /><A HREF=Qian Dao Hu visit Flickr set

Chinese National Tea Museum visit Flickr set


At 7/7/06 12:58, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike- sounds like you are making it work over there... congrats! I know I'd be scared shitless to be relying on my meager chinese abilities for survival at this point! I'm psyched I knew the characters for chinese tea in the pic. ni de putonghua hen hao! - Greg

At 7/7/06 13:00, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you are having a blast! keep up on the pijiu and I'll drink an Easy Street for you.


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