
Day 13. Class Fun and finally starting to get settled in

So, yesterday I managed to get Skype working 100%. I can now call to the
US and Canada. It costs a bit, but not too much. The only difficulty is
the time difference. I'm thinking about getting a 303 number so you can all
call me and it will ring on my computer here. The difficulty being, again,
the time difference. I did have a chance to speak to my grandfather and
father yesterday though. Quite nice to hear a familiar voice. So, if you
get a weird call at a weird time. It might be me! ;)

After the "do as Romans do" comments, Kat, Zeina, and I went to Carrefour.
It is a grocery store in Hangzhou that carries western style food as well as
Chinese food. I proceeded to pick up some cheese and some western style
liquor for this weekend (I can't wait to drink a Newcastle). In addition,
I bought sheets for my bed (unusual here), some cockroach death, and a
shower curtain rod (I picked up a shower curtain the other day).

So, the little accomplishments the past two days:

1) Shower. OMG. This was the best shower ever. I can now take a
comfortable shower without water going everywhere.

2) I had cheese, crackers, and wine for dinner tonight. Wonderful.

3) Hopefully, our roommates will be gone soon.

4) Skype. What a wonderful thing. The delay is wickedly slow sometimes,
but overall -- just fine.

The next couple of days I will be out of town. Friday, I'm headed out to
Sushi with Katie and I'm also going to the Tea Museum. Saturday, I am headed
to Qian Dao (Lake of a Thousand Islands). It should be fun. We are
staying the night and heading to many islands around the lake. I'll be sure
to take pictures. =)

Not much else to report. Coming up: Tea Museum, Qian Dao, Hangzhou Beer
Festival, more school, World Cup. =)


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