
Day 11 - Food adventures

Before I get to the meat of the post - the day went better at class. I was
less frustrated, but still a little perturbed. After the third time he
said "Do as the Romans do" in reference to a something that was said, I kind
of wanted to knock him around lightly. BTW, swimming is part of most
cultures, not just Chinese.

OK. Now to the fun part. Food. Food. Food!!!!!

I've started to venture out more than the cafeteria at school. Katie took
me to a Muslim restaurant last night. It was decent. She was extremely
disappointed based on past experiences there, but I was content. For the
first dish, we had lamb kabobs. These were spicy, spicy, and spicy. Good
stuffs. I was discouraged that they were kind of oily. The next dish was
some sort of sauce on eggplant, potatoes, and peppers. This was extremely
good I thought. It wasn't spicy, but had a super flavorful taste. We also
had some sort of fruit dish. This had a weird sauce: mayonnaise and
something else. It was good, but weird. The final dish was potato fries.
Good stuff. Lots of onions and garlic, but again SUPER oily.

ive been going to multiple bakery stops on the way to school and I've
discovered a wide variety of foodstuffs. I don't really know what they are.
I had something this morning that was fried bread, cut in half and egg
inserted inside. OMG. This, along with 2 sesame seed balls with sweet
bean inside were 3.6 Y (about 50 cents). OMG. So good.

The big thing I've discovered is that the food in Hangzhou is greasy, oily,
and fried. So, basically, the opportunity to lose weight is difficult. I
must admit, I enjoy my cardboard bowl of noodles every couple of nights (3 Y
for crappy noodles with flavored water).

I also went to the grocery store today. Interesting. I made off with
some "Beijing Duck Potato Chips" and "Lemon Potato Chips". I also picked
up some Pineapple beer. The potato chips are good. Real good in fact.
Haven't tried the pineapple beer yet. The tiramisu cakes are awesome as
well. =) Good stuff.

I was just watching Ghana vs. Brazil. Tired, so I left the bar.

Until next time


At 29/6/06 08:17, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Davis...I read your days like a book...very very enjoyable!

Gwen Estridge
Denver, CO


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